Like Eating Glass
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:26 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Silent Alarm
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98 KB
It's so cold in this hou-se Op-en mouths swall-owing u-s The child-ren staying home from school Will not stop cr-y-ing And I know that you're bu-sy too I know that you care You got your fin-ger on the pulse And your eyes eve-ry-where And it hurts all the time when you don't re-turn my calls And you don't have the time to re-mem-ber how it was It's so cold in this house It's so cold in this house I can't eat I can't sleep I can't sleep I can't dream An aver-sion to the light Got a fear of the o-cean Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing It's so cold in this house It's so cold in this house It's so cold in this house It's so cold in this house Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing gla-ss Like drin-king poi-son Like eat-ing Out Ohh-hh Go Go Go Go Go -- How How it was We've got cross-es on our eyes been walk-ing in-to the walls ag-ain We've got cross-es on our eyes been walk-ing in-to furni-ture We've got cross-es on our eyes for rich-er for poor-er for bett-er for worse We've got cross-es on our eyes been walk-ing in-to the fur-ni-ture
For the intro Russel plays open E string and plays
about with effects, I've tried to tab a version whoch
you could play if you did not have an effects pedal.
Also some parts of the song are difficult to hear whats
going on (e.g. Russel's part during the interlude). The
singing tune and words may be off a little and the
drums were also difficult to tab so I made it up in
places. Other than that, enjoy.